Beautiful by Nature of Nusa Penida

Nusa Penida is an island located in the southeast of Bali whose charm is worldwide. The row of beaches with exotic cliffs on this island has become the main attraction for tourists.
For example, Kelingking Beach, Angel’s Billabong, Broken Beach, Atuh Beach, Diamond Beach and Crystal Bay. It takes at least a few days to enjoy the beaches on this island which is separated by the Badung Strait from Bali Island.
However, the charm of this island, which is part of Klungkung Regency, Bali, is not only its rows of beaches. For tourists who like snorkeling or diving, the clarity of Nusa Penida’s waters can be a forgotten underwater paradise.
Together with other small islands in Kasasan, namely Nusa Ceningan and Nusa Lembongan, the waters of Nusa Penida are famous for diving areas such as Crystal Bay, Manta Point, Batu Meling, Batu Lumbung, Batu Abah, Toyapakeh and Malibu Point.
For those of you who want to see large sea creatures, diving or diving in Nusa Penida is the right place. The Manta Point site is one of Bali’s diving locations because it is easy to find Manta rays throughout the year.
At first glance, Manta rays (Manta birostris) are one of the largest ray species in the world. The body width from the tip of the pectoral fin to the tip of the other reaches almost 7 meters, with the heaviest weight being up to 3 tonnes.
Mantas can be found in tropical oceans throughout the world. Its wide distribution and unique appearance causes this fish to have many names depending on the region.
Despite their size, Manta rays are not dangerous to humans and do not have stinging spines. This legally protected fish only swims with its mouth open and eats zooplankton.
Manta Point itself is a limestone outcrop in Tanjung Pandan, near the west side of Nusa Penida Island. The views over the water are spectacular, with sheer limestone cliffs eroded by the huge waves that crash onto the shore all year round.
The challenges of the Manta Point dive location come from the waves which can sometimes be very large and the strong waves from the Indian Ocean as well as the through-flow which is constantly forming.
The waters are rich in plankton which often attracts seabirds looking for food. In addition, Manta Point also functions as a “cleaning station” for stingrays which is a great advantage for divers looking for the opportunity to see Manta rays from a very close distance and with very calm behavior.
Most of the time, Manta rays simply circle around the diver making for an awe-inspiring experience with the winged fish spinning like clockwork. On certain days, divers may only encounter one Manta ray, but if they are lucky they will see up to a dozen!

Meet the Sunfish
Apart from Manta rays, there are other giant fish with friendly behavior at this location. This giant fish is called sun fish or Mola-mola. Divers have the opportunity to meet these sunfish in the waters of Nusa Penida.
In Latin, Mola means grinding stone, which is a round lump of gray stone. Known as the Ocean Sunfish, the Sunfish has several different names around the world. In France it is a moonfish and the Germans call it Schwimmender Kopf which translates to swimming head.
Fish in this genus are silver in color and have a rough skin texture. This fish has a shape that looks stumped and shaped like a bullet because its rear fins never develop. As the fish ages, the fins actually fold and form a round part called the clavus.
The Crystal Bay water site in Nusa Penida is one of the best places in Indonesia to see sunfish. These gentle giants are relatives of the puffer fish and are around three meters in diameter and weigh up to a tonne or more. The largest sunfish was recorded at 2.5 tonnes.
Crystal Bay is considered busy with visitors, so it is recommended to dive earlier due to better sea conditions. The cliffs that line the channel outside the bay have strong currents and cooler water than most other places around Bali.
The currents around Crystal Bay are unpredictable and very strong downdrafts are possible. The Divers Alert Network has issued a warning against inexperienced divers as Crystal Bay is a dive site for advanced divers only. It is recommended that diving groups have a maximum of four people and that divers stay as close to the coral as possible.